Friday, May 14, 2010


I often wonder what really goes on inside a persons head or even what it is that makes them think they way they do.

Why it is that people even do the things they do?

May it be because they have no life? Is it possible it's because they are lacking or missing something in their own lives to where they have to try to destroy others?

Let me explain something....

I come from a very fucked up childhood, one in which I am sure a lot of you can NOT relate to or even come close to trying.Without putting it all out there in detail, I KNOW what it is like to feel alone, neglected, abandoned, unloved, abused in many ways,being hurt by others, whether it be someone you least expect or someone you don’t expect at all. Living in almost constant fear, and the feeling of emptiness that no one...NO ONE...should ever have to feel as a child as well as carried into adulthood...Alone, abused, betrayal, hurt by others, the feeling of emptiness and still living in fear.

But I will tell you one thing....It was all of that, that has made me the person I am today. BY CHOICE!

I have taken everything that I have experienced and turned it into a lesson of life. I have learned from it all. What I did with it was up to me to turn the negative into a positive in which, again, it has made me who I am today.

I have turned out pretty damn good, considering the facts...BY CHOICE!

I refuse to be bitter and cold hearted. Instead, I have a heart like no other. It has its wear and tear, but I put it out there for everyone, even those that may not even seem worthy of it. My heart IS an open book. I let everyone in. It’s up to those, whether they want a piece of it or not. Instead of hurting anyone, I help everyone I can, be it a person, child or animal. I DO NOT discriminate.

I would never in any way, shape or form lower my self being to try to hurt or desroy one other. I would never tempt to take from someone what I may not have or may have missing in my own life.

What would I benefit from it? NOTHING!...maybe a conscience.Maybe bad ass KARMA kicking me in the ass. Well, I will tell you this, for those who choose to be the way in which I choose not to be, can have that conscience lying on the shoulders. They can have bad ass karma kicking their ass. Cause I DON"T WANT IT!.. ..." what comes around, goes around"...I choose to continue to be who I am.

Don’t mistaken the person I choose to be for weakness, For weak I am not! Cause you see, my "lesson in life" made me a stronger person. It made me a even better person to be able to take all of the negative and become positive.

So here is a "lesson of life" for those who have choosen not to make changes in their lives for the better, for those that want to hang on to being bitter, hateful, heartless and try to hurt others that are happy because you are not...and have that conscience( or even no conscience)..Karma is real and karma is tough..and she WILL kick you in the ass!! Trust WILL NOT benefit from trying to hurt or destroy anyone. Nothing positive will come of it. IT WILL ONLY HURT YOU IN THE LONG RUN OR SOONER AND COME BACK AND BITE YOU IN THE ASS!.

So my suggestion is, let those alone that are making something for themselves, let those alone that are happy. Let those alone that do have hearts and may be loved by another.

If you so desire to have what they have and be who they are...Then I suggest looking in the mirror and take a long hard look at yourself and make some changes within yourself....and find whatever it is missing in your life and whatever it is you desire, BY NOT HURTING OTHERS to get it. It starts with you turning negative into positive.

P.S ...and if you are a true FRIEND to would only want your friend to be happy no matter what you may feel about something ( and not try to destroy their happiness) Otherwise, you are a FOE and you don’t deserve to have that person as a friend.



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